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Faq Regolamento (UE) 305/2011 (CPR)

ID 4703 | | Visite: 8293 | Documenti Marcatura CE UEPermalink:

Faq Regolamento (UE) 305/2011 (CPR)

European Commission - Ottobre 2017

FAQ covering the Construction Products Regulation (CPR)

What is the meaning of "placing on the market"?
What is the "Appropriate Technical Documentation" foreseen in Article 36 of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR)?
What shall a manufacturer do if certain clauses in the harmonised standard are not in line with the provisions of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR)?
Where can somebody obtain information on the requirements applicable to a product in a specific Member State?
Are Notified Bodies expected to check whether the manufacturer meets his obligations under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR)?
Which is the meaning of the phrase "the last two digits of the year in which the marking was first affixed", in Article 9(2) of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR)?
What is the importance of the installation manual / instructions?
Is there any obligation to provide a declaration of performance (DoP) for a construction product not covered by a harmonised European (hEN) standard? Can a Member State impose such an obligation?
Where can I find and consult the latest lists of harmonised European standards (hEN) published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)?
Is it allowed to affix a quality or private mark concerning performance for construction products which are covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) cited in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)?
Can construction products provided with national marking be placed on the market after 1st July 2013 (and if so in what cases)?
Is it allowed for quality or private marks to quote the same essential characteristics as CE-marking?
Is it possible to issue within the territory of a Member State of the EU after 1st July 2013 a national technical specification (e.g. a technical standard) for a construction product?
Are the Member States allowed to impose further requirements if these are, for example based on the products’ chemical composition, in order to protect the health of construction workers and other people? If that should be permitted, doesn’t it interfere with the free movement of goods?
A retailer sells a product, which is not manufactured by himself/herself, using the retailer's own name. May the retailer use the declaration of performance (DoP) drawn up by the real manufacturer? If not, does the DoP drawn up by the retailer need to be based on certification granted by a notified body?
If a declaration of performance (DoP) is required, does the testing of the product need to be redone every year and a new DoP issued or remains the DoP valid if the product does not change?
Is the "Blue Guide" published by the Commission applicable also to construction products?
Which are the "competent national authorities" under Art 11(8) which may request the manufacturer to provide them with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate the conformity of the construction product with the declaration of performance and compliance with other applicable requirements?
Does the manufacturer have to include in the CE marking also the essential characteristics for which in the Declaration of Performance (DoP) he has declared NPD?
Does the contact address required under the CPR Article 11(5) have to be in the Member State where the product is made available on the market? Or could the contact address be in any EU Member State?
How can I find out if a product certificate/test report is false or not?
When does the CE marking have to be affixed on the basis of EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 ?
I have seen several versions of a harmonised standard; which is the one to use when drawing up the Declaration of Performance/CE marking?
What does the CE marking on a construction product mean?
What happens if several EU legislative acts apply to a construction product?
For which essential characteristics should the manufacturer declare the performance of his product?
Where do I find information on which harmonised European standards have been published and are relevant under the CPR?
What is considered a micro-enterprise to which simplified procedures could apply?
Is the use of Annex ZA under the CPR obligatory?
Is my product a construction product? If yes, what does the CPR require me to do?
Which languages do the various accompanying documents and CE marking of a construction product need to be in?
What are the obligations of a retailer (distributor) who sells construction products under the manufacturer's name?

Fonte: Commissione Europea


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European Commission 2017
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