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List of Ecodesign legislation

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List of Ecodesign legislation

Update 09.11.2019

In allegato alla news Documento PDF elenco di tutta la normativa Ecodesign per Prodotto aggiornata a Novembre 2019. 

Framework directive

Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, recast of Directive 2005/32/EC amending Council Directive 92/42/EEC and Directives 96/57/EC and 2000/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Implementing Regulations

1. Air conditioners and comfort fans
2. Domestic ovens and range hoods
3. Electrical lamps and luminaires
4. Household dishwashers
5. Household refrigerating appliances
6. Household tumble driers
7. Household washing machines
8. Local space heaters
9. Professional refrigerated storage cabinets
10. Residential ventilation units
11. Solid fuel boilers and packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices
12. Space heaters, combination heaters, packages of space heater, temperature control and solar device and packages of combination heater, temperature control and solar device
13. Televisions
14. Vacuum cleaners
15. Water heaters, hot water storage tanks and packages of water heater and solar device
16. Household combined washer-driers
17. Air heating products, cooling products, high temperature process chillers and fan coil units
18. Circulators (glandless standalone circulators and glandless circulators integrated in products)
19. Computers and computer servers
20. Electric motors
21. External power supplies (no-load condition electric power consumption and average active efficiency of external power supplies)
22. Fans driven by motors with an electric input power between 125 W and 500 kW
23. Simple set-top boxes
24. Small, medium and large power transformers
25. Standby and off mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household and office equipment
26. Water pumps
27. Welding equipment

List of energy efficient products Regulations: by product group 


Product groups

Energy labelling legislation 

Ecodesign legislation




Air conditioners

(EU) No 626/2011

(EU) No 206/2012


Domestic ovens and range hoods

(EU) No 65/2014

(EU) No 66/2014


Electrical lamps and luminaires

(EU) No 874/2012

(EC) No 244/2009

Amended by (EC) No 859/2009

(EC) No 245/2009

Amended by (EU) No 347/2010

(EU) No 1194/2012

(EU) 2015/1428 (amending Regulations (EC/EU) 244/2009, 245/2009 and 1194/2012)


Household dishwashers

(EU) No 1059/2010

(EU) No 1016/2010


Household refrigerating appliances

(EU) No 1060/2010

  • Harmonised standards: 2014/C 22/03
  • Transitional methods of measurement and calculation: 2011/C 049/05 –
    NB: relevant for noise only


(EC) No 643/2009




Household tumble driers

(EU) No 392/2012



(EU) No 932/2012


Household washing machines

(EU) No 1061/2010


(EU) No 1015/2010


Local space heaters

(EU) 2015/1186

(EU) 2015/1188

(EU) 2015/1185


Professional refrigerated storage cabinets

(EU) 2015/1094

(EU) 2015/1095


Residential ventilation units

(EU) No 1254/2014

(EU) No 1253/2014


Solid fuel boilers and packages of
a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters,
temperature controls and solar devices

(EU) 2015/1187

(EU) 2015/1189


Space heaters, combination heaters, packages
of space heater, temperature control and solar
device and packages of combination heater,
temperature control and solar device

(EU) No 811/2013

(EU) No 813/2013



(EU) No 1062/2010

(EC) No 642/2009

Amended by​ (EU) No 801/2013


Vacuum cleaners


(EU) No 666/2013


Water heaters, hot water storage tanks
and packages of water heater
and solar device

(EU) No 812/2013

(EU) No 814/2013


Household combined washer-driers

96/60/EC (see Regulation (EU) No 1061 2010)



Air heating products, cooling products,
high temperature process chillers and fan
coil units

N/A *

(EU) 2016/2281


Circulators (glandless standalone circulators
and glandless circulators integrated in products)


(EC) No 641/2009​,

Amended by​ (EU) No 622/2012


Computers and computer servers


(EU) No 617/2013

(EU) 2019/424 (servers and data storage products)


Electric motors


(EC) No 640/2009

Amended by​ (EU) No 4/2014

Repealed by (EU) 2019/1781 – in application from 1 July 2021


External power supplies
(no-load condition electric power
consumption and average active
efficiency of external power supplies)


(EC) No 278/2009

Repealed by (EU) 2019/1782 – in application from 1 April 2020


Fans driven by motors with an
electric input power between 125 W and 500 kW


(EU) No 327/2011


Simple set-top boxes


(EC) No 107/2009


Small, medium and large power transformers


(EU) No 548/2014

Amended by (EU) 2019/1783


Standby and off mode electric
power consumption  of electrical and electronic
household and office equipment


(EC) No 1275 /2008​, Amended by​ (EU) No 801/2013


Water pumps


(EU) No 547/2012


Welding equipment


(EU) 2019/1784 – in application from 1 January 2021

* non applicable

Tags: Ambiente Energy

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