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Promoting diversity and inclusion through workplace adjustments: A practical guide

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Promoting diversity and inclusion through workplace adjustments: A practical guide

This guide aims to explain the concept of reasonable adjustments (“reasonable accommodation”) and provide practical step-by-step guidance on how and when these should be provided in the workplace.

Reasonable accommodations enable employees to bring their full self to work and thereby contribute to business success.

Reasonable accommodation is a concept that is applicable to all workers. However, specific groups of workers are more likely to be in need of reasonable accommodations, including persons with disabilities, people living with HIV or AIDS, pregnant workers and those with family responsibilities as well as employees who hold a particular religion or belief. Employers that accommodate individual needs create environments that welcome the diversity of their staff, create greater inclusion and are economically more successful.

This guide is designed to help the reader understand the concept of reasonable accommodations, accompanying measures as well as the process and steps to provide workplace adjustments throughout the employment cycle, including practical examples.

ILO 2016

Scarica questo file (Pratical Guide Promotion Diversity workplace.pdf)Pratical Guide Promotion Diversity workplace
ILO 2016
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