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ISO 30434:2023

ID 20000 | | Visite: 586 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO 30434 2023 Preview

ISO 30434:2023 / Human resource management - Workforce allocation

ID 20000 | 18.07.2023 / Add preview
ISO 30434:2023
Human resource management - Workforce allocation
The allocation of work to workers is the one of the most fundamental management tasks and responsibilities in an organization. It has a profound impact on people, the organization’s ability to deliver and financial outcomes.

The human resource (HR) function should have a significant role in promoting and driving balanced outcomes. Development and monitoring of an allocation framework and allocation policies, as well as compliance, are essential for good allocation practices to be applied by the organization.

Workforce allocation encompasses a broad range of processes, practices and management activities that address organizational performance, people management and compliance issues. These processes focus on a critical resource – people – and thus significantly influence the social climate and performance of an organization. Decisions resulting from these processes directly impact people’s well-being, relationships, motivation and performance, and the organization’s overall capability, output and collective intelligence.
Allocation occurs in many ways. Work can be directed by the organization or selected by the worker. Decisions can be made using human judgement or automated tools. Workers can be informed of when to attend shift work, what activity to complete in project work, what job to do, and be appointed to a position or be informed in other ways.

This document recommends good practices common to all types of allocation. It recommends an allocation framework, processes and steps, and explains how to prepare, assign and inform allocation decisions.

Allocation processes follow workforce planning processes that segment the workforce, calculate gaps and plan recruiting, training and transfers (see ISO 30409). Allocation processes generally cease at a level before workers self-manage their work, possibly including decisions on individual tasks. Workforce allocation is a subset of broader workforce management processes and interfaces with absence management and timekeeping processes. See Figure 1.

Figure 1   Workforce management and allocation processes

Figure 1 - Workforce management and allocation processes

Effective workforce allocation practices ensure the organization’s work requirements are identified and allocated appropriately. The principles of effective workforce allocation are:

a) complying with state and organizational regulations, policies, rules and agreements;
b) ensuring zero harm to workers, whether physical or mental;
c) allocating work with equity and respect;
d) considering options for flexibility in work times and work formats;
e) enabling transparent and fair allocation decisions;
f) communicating allocation decisions clearly and in a timely manner that enables workers to acknowledge work allocated to them.

Users of this document will include:

1) workforce professionals, including resource managers, workforce managers, workforce schedulers, roster coordinators, allocation coordinators, staffing coordinators, workforce coordinators and workforce analysts;
2) human resource managers;
3) frontline and executive managers;
4) workforce policy makers;
5) project managers and consultants involved in workforce systems and processes;
6) vendors of workforce technology;
7) trade union or employee representatives and employer groups.
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