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ISO/TR 22100-1:2021 | Guida applicazione norme tecniche

ID 12729 | | Visite: 7193 | Documenti Riservati Direttiva macchinePermalink:

ISO TR 22100 1 2021

ISO/TR 22100-1:2021 Guida applicazione norme tecniche

ID 12729 | 02.02.2021 / Documento di sintesi allegato

Documento di analisi per l’individuazione e l’applicazione delle norme tecniche armonizzate per la Direttiva 2006/42/CE di tipo A, tipo B, tipo C aggiornato alla 2a Ed. 2021 (precedente Ed. 2015).

La ISO/TR 22100-1:2021 è stata scritta per assistere il progettista/fabbricante di macchine e relativi componenti nella comprensione e nell'uso dei diversi tipi di norme di sicurezza ISO.

Il rapporto presenta i diversi tipi di documenti e spiega la struttura delle norme relative la sicurezza delle macchine di tipo A, tipo B e tipo C.

Questo documento può essere utile anche ai comitati che si occupano della redazione delle norme. Tuttavia, non fornisce le specifiche del contenuto generale che dovrebbe essere incluso nelle diverse norme di sicurezza delle macchine.

La ISO/TR 22100-1:2021 include una rappresentazione grafica di molte norme relative la sicurezza delle macchine per aiutare a migliorare la comprensione delle interazioni e dei collegamenti tra questi documenti.

ISO/TR 22100-1:2021 “Safety of machinery — Relationship with ISO 12100 — Part 1: How ISO 12100 relates to type-B and type-C standards”

Data di pubblicazione: Gennaio 2021

Comitato Tecnico: ISO/TC 199 Safety of machinery

Tabella 1

Tab. 1 - Tipologie di documenti ISO che possono essere sviluppati per la gestione della sicurezza delle macchine


Main changes compared to ISO/TR 22100-1:2015

The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows.

- the wording "…, hazardous situation(s) or hazardous event(s)" has been deleted from 5.3.2 (NOTE and last paragraph) and 6.2.2 (subheading "Step 4B"and the following two paragraphs as well as Step 4C, fifth paragraph), eight times, in total;
- in 6.2.1, second paragraph, second sentence "this part of ISO 22100" has been corrected to "that type-C standard";
- the sentence given in 6.2.2, Step 4C, as paragraph below the Note has also been inserted as new penultimate paragraph to Step 4B.


Practical application of ISO 12100, type-B and type-C standards

Figura 1

Fig. 1 - Recommended steps for the practical use of ISO 12100 and existing type-B and type-C standards within this system


Step 1 - Search for a type-C standard

Machine designers and manufacturers should search for an appropriate type-C standard because it provides the most relevant guidance regarding safety of machinery for a particular machine.

Step 2 - Check the scope

If an appropriate type-C standard exists for the machine in question, the designer/manufacturer needs to check carefully if the scope of this type-C standard is fully covering the actual machine in question regarding the limits of the machine (this corresponds to ISO 12100:2010, 5.3).

Step 3 - Check significant hazards according to the type-C standard

If the outcome of step 2 shows that an appropriate type-C standard exists for the machine in question, the designer/manufacturer needs to check carefully that this type-C standard is covering all significant hazards to be associated with the actual machine in question and its application (this corresponds to ISO 12100:2010, 5.4). In addition, the designer should check carefully that the protective measures/risk reduction measures specified in the type-C standard are appropriate for the application to the particular machine in question.

NOTE Through this process, the risk estimation (see ISO 12100:2010, 5.5) is already covered. For those significant hazards covered by a type-C standard, individual risk estimation by the designer/manufacturer is not necessary anymore.

Step 4A - Application of type-C standard

If steps 2 and 3 are fulfilled, the protective measures/risk reduction measures contained in the type-C standard should be applied (This corresponds to ISO 12100:2010, Clause 6).

The application of the protective measures/risk reduction measures specified in the type-C standard is assumed to achieve tolerable risk for the particular machine in question by adequate risk reduction.

Next, go to step 5.


Segue in allegato (Documento di sintesi allegato)

ISO/TR 22100-1:2021

Certifico Srl - IT | Rev. 0.0 2021
©Copia autorizzata Abbonati

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0.0 02.02.2021 --- Certifico Srl


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