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Guidance for monomers and polymers

ID 19176 | | Visite: 1192 | Documenti Chemicals ECHAPermalink:

Guidance for monomers and polymers

Guidance for monomers and polymers | ECHA Version 3.0 - February 2023

ID 19176 | 08.03.2023 / In allegato Linee guida

ECHA Version 3.0 - February 2023

Polymers are the material of choice in a vast range of applications such as packaging, building and construction, transportation, electrical and electronic equipment, agriculture, as well as in the medical and the sports sectors. The versatility of polymeric materials is due to the fact that the physico-chemical properties of polymers can be tailored by a careful adjustment of the composition and molecular weight distribution of the molecules constituting the polymer.

Owing to the potentially extensive number of different polymer substances on the market, and since polymer molecules are generally regarded as representing a low concern due to their high molecular weight, this group of substances is exempted from registration and evaluation under REACH. Polymers may however still be subject to authorisation and restriction.

Nonetheless, manufacturers and importers of polymers may still be required to register the monomers or other substances used as building blocks of the polymer, as these molecules are generally recognised as of higher concern than the polymer molecule itself.


Fonte: ECHA


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ECHA Version 3.0 - February 2023
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