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Euratom Supply Agency annual report 2016

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Euratom Supply Agency annual report 2016

Struttura della relazione: Il Capitolo 1 comprende un profilo delle attività dell'ESA nel 2016 e una presentazione sintetica degli sviluppi di energia nucleare nell'UE. Capitolo 2 fornisce una panoramica del mercato mondiale dei combustibili nucleari, mentre il capitolo 3 contiene valutazioni dell'ESA del mercato dei carburanti nella UE. Per la prima volta questo capitolo comprende anche un'analisi delle consegne di servizi di conversione. I capitoli 4 e 5 di messa a fuoco, rispettivamente, sulla sicurezza dell'approvvigionamento e sui radioisotopi medici, mentre il capitolo 6 stabilisce programma di lavoro dell'ESA per il 2017.


Contents (EN)
1. ESA activities and nuclear energy developments in the EU
ESA operations
Mandate and core activities
Activities of the Advisory Committee
International cooperation
ESA administrative issues
Financial Regulation
Financial accounts and implementation of the budget
External audit by the Court of Auditors
EU nuclear energy policy in 2016
Strategic agenda for nuclear energy
Nuclear safety directive
Safe management of radioactive waste and spent fuel
EU support for nuclear decommissioning assistance programmes
Radiation protection
Nuclear emergency preparedness and response
European Nuclear Energy Forum
Convention on Nuclear Safety
Non-power uses of nuclear and radiation technology
Stress tests
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)
Main developments in the EU Member States
2. World market for nuclear fuels
Natural uranium production
Secondary sources of supply
Uranium exploration and mine development projects
Reprocessing and recycling
3. Supply of and demand for nuclear fuels in the EU
Fuel loaded into reactors
Future reactor requirements (2017-2036)
Supply of natural uranium
Conclusion of contracts
Volume of deliveries
Average delivery prices
Conversion services
Special fissile materials
Conclusion of contracts
Deliveries of low-enriched uranium
Plutonium and MOX fuel
Future contractual coverage rate
ESA findings, recommendations and diversification policy
4. Security of supply
Security of supply and ESA’s diversification policy
Supply side — assessment of the global situation
Supply side — assessment of the EU situation
Demand side — assessment of the EU situation
Future contractual coverage rate
Sustainability of supply
ESA findings and recommendations
5. Supply of medical radioisotopes
ESA involvement
European Observatory on the supply of medical radioisotopes
Working Group 1 — Global reactor scheduling and Mo-99 supply monitoring
Working Group 2 — Full-cost recovery mechanisms
Working Group 3 — Management of HEU-LEU conversion and target production
Working Group 4 — Capacity and infrastructure development
6. ESA’s Work Programme for 2017
1. Exercise ESA’s exclusive rights and powers in order to maintain a regular and equitable supply of ores and nuclear fuels in the European Atomic Energy Community
2. Observe developments on security of supply in the nuclear fuel market
3. Cooperate with international organisations and non-EU countries
4. Monitor relevant R & D activities for their potential impact on ESA’s policy for security of supply
5. Make ESA’s internal organisation and operations more effective
Contact information
Annex 1 EU-28 gross and net requirements (quantities in tU and tSW)
Annex 2 Fuel loaded into EU-28 reactors and deliveries of fresh fuel under purchasing contracts
Annex 3 ESA average prices for natural uranium
Annex 4 Purchases of natural uranium by EU utilities, by origin, 2007-2016 (tU)
Annex 5 Use of plutonium in MOX in the EU-28 and estimated natural uranium and separative work savings
Annex 6 EU nuclear utilities that contributed to this report
Annex 7 Uranium suppliers to EU utilities
Annex 8 Calculation method for ESA’s average U₃O₈ prices
Annex 9 Declaration of assurance
List of Tables
List of Figures

Fonte: Commissione Europea 2017

Scarica questo file (Euratom Supply Agency annual report 2016.pdf)Euratom Supply Agency annual report 2016.pdf
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