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EN 50614:2020 | Requirements for the preparing for re-use of WEEE

ID 20309 | | Visite: 4727 | News NormazionePermalink:

EN 50614 2020

EN 50614:2020 | Requirements for the preparing for re-use of WEEE

ID 20309 | 02.09.2023 / Preview attached

EN 50614:2020 Requirements for the preparing for re-use of waste electrical and electronic equipment

This document is applicable to the processes relating to the preparing for re-use of WEEE.

NOTE 1 This document covers the preparing for re-use of WEEE arising from electrical and electronic equipment as listed in Annex I and Annex III of Directive 2012/19/EU.

This document is applicable to preparing for re-use operators only and does not cover activities connected with used or second-hand equipment that have not become waste. It applies to all preparing for re-use operators, no matter their size or main focus of activity.

This document assists in quantifying re-use, recycling and recovery rates in conjunction with EN 50625-1.

In case of treatment operations (including the collection and logistics of WEEE) other than preparing for re-use, the EN 50625 series applies.

Preparing for re-use processes includes the removal of whole components or parts where they are intended to either be used in the repair of faulty equipment or sold as re-use parts.

The following EEE are not in the scope of this document:

- industrial monitoring and control instruments;
- in vitro diagnostic medical devices, medical devices or active implantable devices.

NOTE 2 Examples of industrial monitoring and control instruments include equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, and monitoring and control equipment that performs a safety function as part of industrial control system.

NOTE 3 in vitro diagnostic medical devices, medical devices and active implantable devices have the capacity to collect and harbour pathogens, depending on the environment in which they operated. It is essential to follow clinically proven means for decontamination. Relevant Directives are 93/42/EEC and 98/79/EC.



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