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GUIDELINES for preparation and inspection of a safety report SEVESO II - UNECE

ID 1381 | | Visite: 7672 | Documenti Chemicals UEPermalink:

GUIDELINES for preparation and inspection of a safety report SEVESO II

UNECE convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents & the EU Directive 96/82/EC (SEVESO ll) by a consistent Checklist system

These instructions on preparing and inspection of a safety report provide a checklists system for safety reports.

The document can be seen as containing three main parts: First part, the introductory chapter, describes the purpose of safety reports and provides important definitions.

This includes a useful definition of accident scenarios. Second part, the guidelines chapter, provides background information on the content of the checklists (mostly questions in the complete category of the scoring system, although correct and credible could be found in the text), following the lists’ numbering.

The user can easily find detailed explanation of the chapters (1-6) in the checklist by referring to the corresponding numbers in the guidelines (for example, Q 1.1.1 Is the general description of the region provided?).

Third part, the literature, contains the list of useful references relevant for safety reports and inspections.

The document is designed as a supporting document to the SECTORAL CHECKLIST for preparation and inspection of a safety report in accordance with the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents and the EU Directive 96/82/EC (SEVESO II) by a consistent Checklist system presented in the separate document.

This checklist system has been prepared within a project on the evaluation of safety reports under the UNECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents which was implemented with funds of the Advisory Assistance Programme for Environmental Protection in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia provided by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and managed by the Federal Environment Agency. Any statements and opinions made are neither official statements nor opinions of the Ministry, nor can they be attributed to the managing agency.
They solely reflect the opinion of the authors.

UNECE 2014

Tags: Chemicals Rischio Incidente Rilevante Abbonati Chemicals

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