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CEN/TS 17553: la nuova specifica tecnica CEN per le mascherine di comunità

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CWA 17553 2020

CEN/TS 17553: La nuova specifica tecnica CEN per le mascherine di comunità

Update 21.07.2021 / Documento CWA allegato

In risposta ad una richiesta urgente della Commissione europea di fornire una norma/specifica per le mascherine di comunità, è stato istituito al CEN nel 2020 un gruppo di lavoro CEN/BT al fine di sviluppare un Documento CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement), basato su specifiche nazionali esistenti (Vedi UNI/PdR 90.1 e UNI/PdR 90.2 in IT).

L'obiettivo è pubblicare la relativa specifica tecnica CEN/TS 17553.

CWA 17553:2020
Textiles and textile products - Community face coverings - Minimum requirements, methods of testing and use.

European foreword
1 Scope
2 Terms and definitions
3 Description
4 Designation
5 Requirements
5.1 General
5.2 Visual inspection
5.3 Dimensions / Sizing
5.3.1 Adult sizing
5.3.2 Child sizing
5.4 Packaging
5.5 Materials
5.6 Cleaning
5.7 Surface condition of the parts
5.8 Filtration efficiency of the material
5.9 Head harness
5.10 Breathing resistance and air permeability
6 Test methods
6.1 General
6.2 Visual inspection
6.3 Head harness strength test
6.4 Material filtration efficiency test
6.5 Breathing resistance and air permeability test
7 Marking and instructions for use
7.1 Marking
7.2 Instructions for use
8 Use of community face coverings
8.1 General
8.2 Reminder on essential protective measures even when wearing the community face coverings
8.3 Use of community face coverings: what to avoid
Annex A (informative) Specific recommendations for Do It Yourself (DIY) making
Annex B (informative) European standards for filtration efficiency
Annex C (informative) National specifications developed by CEN members
Annex D (informative) Main test conditions for filtration efficiency test methods
Annex E (informative) Example of use of community face coverings
E.1 Putting on community face coverings
E.2 Removing community face coverings
E.3 Cleaning community face coverings
E.4 Disposing of community face coverings

Fonte: CEN

UNI/PdR 90:2020

In Italia UNI ha sviluppato le Prassi di Riferimento UNI/PdR 90.1 e UNI/PdR 90.2


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