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Europe, Rome

Guidelines related to the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (PED)

ID 1731 | | Visite: 29695 | Guide Nuovo ApproccioPermalink:

Linea Guida Nuova Direttiva PED 2014/68/EU

Disponibile la V.6.0 Giugno 2020

Guidelines related to the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (PED)

This working group is composed of representatives of Member States, European federations, the Notified Bodies Forum and CEN and chaired by a representative of the Commission services.

In order to ensure a coherent application of the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (replacing the Directive 97/23/EC (PED) as of 19 July 2016), Guidelines are developed and agreed by the Commission's Working Group "Pressure" (WGP).

The PED Guidelines developed for Directive 97/23/EC will systematically be reviewed and possibly issued as a PED Guideline under the new Directive 2014/68/EU.

Also new Guidelines may be issued to support the implementation of the Directive. This work is in progress and the new or updated Guidelines will be made available as soon as they are endorsed by the Working Group "Pressure" (WGP). 

Remarks or questions concerning this document should be addressed via the email to the unit in the European Commission dealing with the Pressure Equipment Directive:

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Status of the guidelines

The PED Guidelines are not a legally binding interpretation of the Directive. The legally binding text remains that of the Directive. However, the PED Guidelines represent a reference for ensuring consistent application of the Directive. They represent, unless indicated differently in the respective guideline text, the unanimous opinion of the Member States.

Classification of the guidelines

The guidelines carry a x/yy type identification

- (x) relates to the subject (A, B, C etc…),
- the second (yy) is a sequential numbering.

To facilitate the transition to the new Guidelines the sequential number is maintained as far as possible (e.g. Guideline A-24 under the new PED 2014/68/EU corresponds to Guideline 1-24 under PED 97/23/EC)

The letter x refers to one of the following subjects:


Document history

Version Date Comment
6.0 11.06.2020 Includes PED Guidelines A-44, B-28, D-17, H-16 and J-09 + Correction in C18 reference to “Annex IV
5.2 07.01.2019 Correction, reference to E-10 in stead of B-42 in the note
5.0 12/10/2018 Includes PED Guidelines B-21 (update), B-33, C-14, E-10, H-04 and H-20 adopted by WGP on 13/9/2018 + minor editorial changes to A-46, B-41, C13 and C-15. PED Guideline A-45 is withdrawn and therefore removed from this document.
4.0 12/5/2017 Includes PED Guidelines B-25 and F-19 adopted by WGP on 21/3/2017 + minor editorial corrections to A-12, A-39, B-04, B-35, I-07and I-18
3.0 3/1/2017 Includes PED Guidelines adopted via written procedure on 20/6/2016. It concerns: WPG B-19, WPG E-04, WPG F-10, WPG F-15, WPG H-05, WPG J-02, WPG J-03
2.0 13/6/2016 Includes PED Guidelines adopted via written procedure on 8/1/2016 and 15/1/2016 (links will be added in next version when all guidelines are included)
1.0 31/3/2015 Includes PED 2014-68-EU Guidelines from the WGP meeting of 11/03/2015

European Commission 2015 - V 1.0 March 2015 for Directive 97/23/EC, see together:

PED Guidelines Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC - V. 1.5 April 2014

Nuova Direttiva PED 2014/68/UE


Tags: Marcatura CE Direttiva PED Abbonati Marcatura CE

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