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Guidance document labelling EU fertilising products

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Guidance document labbellimg fertilising products 18 02 2021

Guidance document labelling EU fertilising products

Brussels, 18.2.2021 C(2021) 726 final

Visual appearance of the label on EU fertilising products referred to in Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 2019/1009 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Pursuant to Article 4(3) of Regulation (EU) No 2019/1009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 laying down rules on the making available on the market of EU fertilising products and amending Regulations (EC) No 1069/2009 and (EC) No 1107/2009 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 (the ‘Fertilising Products Regulation’ or the ‘FPR’), the Commission shall publish a guidance document for manufacturers and market surveillance authorities with clear information and examples concerning the visual appearance of labels referred to in Annex III to that Regulation.

Vedi Versione Guida IT

Regolamento (UE) 2019/1009

Articolo 4 Prescrizioni sui prodotti

1. Un prodotto fertilizzante dell’UE:
a) soddisfa le prescrizioni stabilite nell’allegato I per la pertinente categoria funzionale del prodotto;
b) soddisfa le prescrizioni stabilite nell’allegato II per la categoria o le categorie pertinenti di materiali costituenti; e
c) è etichettato conformemente alle prescrizioni di etichettatura di cui all’allegato III.
2. Per gli aspetti non disciplinati dagli allegati I o II, i prodotti fertilizzanti dell’UE non presentano un rischio per la salute umana, animale o vegetale, per la sicurezza o per l’ambiente.
3. Entro il 16 luglio 2020, la Commissione pubblica un documento di orientamento per i fabbricanti e le autorità di vigilanza del mercato con informazioni chiare ed esempi sull’aspetto che dovrebbe avere l’etichetta di cui all’allegato III.

A task force of representatives of EU Member States and industry stakeholders, representing all the Product Function Categories (PFCs) falling under the scope of the FPR, was created by the Commission in July 2019 in order to support its services (DG GROW/D2) in fulfilling this task. The mandate of this task force was to write a first draft of this document.

This document was shared and discussed with members and observers of the Commission Expert Group on Fertilising Products in 2019 and 2020.

This document is not legally binding and seeks only to provide useful guidance to stakeholders including manufacturers and market surveillance authorities. Only the Court of Justice of the European Union is competent to authoritatively interpret Union law.

This guidance document provides explanations on the practical implementation of the labelling requirements set in Annex III to the FPR. It includes examples of labels for the different PFCs of EU fertilising products. These examples are purely indicative. The position of each part, as well as the colours used in this guidance document are not mandatory. It is up to the manufacturer to decide where to place and how to format the information on the label, while respecting the requirements in the FPR.

Unless otherwise provided in this guidance document or no colours are used at all, the following colour codes are used in the label examples:

- In blue: general requirements;
- In orange: specific requirements for each PFC;
- In black: other information that has to be provided on the label;
- In green: indicated nutrients.


Example for general labelling requirements and visual appearance

Exampla 2 13


Examples of a label

The following examples assume that the blending does not lead to a change of nature of each of the component of the respective fertilising product blends.

Example 1: Labelling of a fertilising product blend composed of 2 EU fertilising products from the same PFC (an already EU compliant PFC 1 (C) in light blue with another already EU compliant PFC 1 (C) in dark blue)

Example 1


[...]  Segue in allegato

Fonte: CE


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Allegato riservato Guidance document lebelling EU fertilising products EN.pdf
CE 18.02.2021
1917 kB 6
Allegato riservato ANNEXE~2.PDF
CE 18.02.2021
467 kB 6

Tags: Chemicals Abbonati Chemicals Regolamento fertilizzanti

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