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Europe, Rome

Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road - HSA

ID 991 | | Visite: 10724 | Documenti Merci Pericolose ENTIPermalink:

Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road

A Guide For Business

This guide for business is geared towards businesses that are involved in the consignment, loading/unloading and carriage of dangerous goods by road.

Dangerous goods are substances and articles which have been identified as hazardous for transport and present a risk to people, property and the environment.

The guide has been arranged to provide a comprehensive summary of the legal provisions of the ADR (European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road).

All businesses that carry significant quantities of dangerous goods by road have a legal obligation to appoint a dangerous goods safety adviser (DGSA), i.e. a competent personable to advise on the safe transport of dangerous goods nationally and internationally.

This guidance does not exclude this group, but is primarily geared towards businesses that operate below the threshold where a DGSA is legally required and therefore may not have immediate access to a DGSA. In these circumstances such businesses may still require a DGSA from time to time and this guidance is not intended to replace that expertise.

It is intended to allow all businesses to be better informed in the decisions made in the process of ensuring compliance with current legislation and in controlling risk when handling dangerous goods.

In order to assist businesses in their understanding of the level of activity at which they may be required by law to appoint a DGSA, the HSA has produced guidance which provides some clarification.

This ‘Guidance on the Appointment of a Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser’ is available for free download on the HSA website at Health and Safety Authority - ADR Landing Page.

Whether or not your company requires the services of a DGSA, if your business activities include the carriage, loading/unloading or consignment of any quantity of dangerous goods, it is recommended that you use the table in Appendix 1 to assess your activities.

Such self-assessment will assist you in monitoring your compliance with the legislation and will give you greater confidence in your efforts to control risk.

For many businesses the extent of involvement with dangerous goods is limited and for such businesses the relevant legislation provides many exemptions (provided in Section 5).

This guide includes a number of worked examples in Section 19 in order to help you quickly identify what provisions may or may not apply to you.

Where further advice, explanation or guidance is necessary you may contact the HSA or a DGSA.

Health and Safety Authority

Published in November 2012 by the Health and Safety Authority, The Metropolitan Building, James Joyce St., Dublin 1.

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