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Europe, Rome

1° EPERC international conference pressure equipment innovation and safety

ID 8091 | | Visite: 3405 | Guide Marcatura CE INAILPermalink:


Conference proceedings - 1° EPERC international conference pressure equipment innovation and safety

Il documento contiene relazioni che analizzano i vari aspetti della vita delle attrezzature a pressione, dalla progettazione alla fabbricazione, dall’ispezione alla manutenzione.

Fornisce una panoramica delle soluzioni innovative, sviluppate dall’Istituto e da altri stakeholders nazionali ed internazionali, mirate al miglioramento dell’efficienza e delle condizioni di sicurezza degli impianti.


These are the Proceedings of the first edition EPERC Conference 2019 on the theme of "Safety and innovation in the pressure equipment sector". EPERC is an organization active to support Innovation and Competitiveness of the European Pressure Equipment Industry. The objectives are: to identify the needs for research and innovation and to make pressure vessel industry safer, innovative and competitive through the exchange of industry experience and dedicated Technical Task Groups.

The major orientation is to work with the key Industry actors that used Pressure Equipment at the European level in one hand, and with International Cooperation (USA, Russia, Japan, Korea, China, India, and Middle East countries…) in the other hand.

EPERC has to be in touch with similar organization in the world (China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, USA, Canada, South America, Middle East, Africa…), and in particular with ASME ST-LLC, Japanese PVRC, China...

All the Research and Development programs will be developed in close relation with European Standard Pressure Equipment Technical Committees and all the support of the European Community (EIT, JRC, DGs…).

The EU key actors in this domain include JRC "Joint Research Centre", EIT "European Institute of Innovation & Technology", CEN "European Committee for Standardisation", including all the Pressure Equipment Technical Committees.

Improvements of European Codes & Standards will be considered with European Pressure Equipment Standards Technical Committees, to develop R&D for the different standards and to guarantee knowledge transfer, to develop set of examples and training of users, on different innovations.

The EPERC mission is to coordinate, develop and promote the common technical interests and strategies of European industry with regard to pressure equipment industry innovation and competitiveness through:

a) Research in relation with the international context and European institutions;
b) Exchange of industry experience in design, materials, fabrication, surveillance, use, inspection, monitoring, safe life assessment;
c) Improvement of the Codes and Standards by providing industry and research information, data and competitive rules
d) International Cooperation with similar organisations around the word.

The EPERC mission is also to safeguard and represent the technical and economic interests of industries in Europe that rely on pressure equipment; to facilitate the free trade of pressure equipment and common in-service requirements across borders at international and European level to assure safety and competitiveness through recognition of standards and recommended practices with associated background; to promote and encourage cooperation through research and exchange of industry experience among the EPERC Stakeholders (Members).

The EPERC strategy is:

- To consider all the Pressure Equipment actors: end users, designers, manufacturers, material organization, maintenance organization, professional institutes, R&D organization and Universities;
- To be in touch with all the EU organization involved in any particular aspect of Pressure Equipment;
- To remain closely in touch with EU organization: EC, EIT, JRC, CEN and all Pressure Equipment Technical Committees;
- To increase the number of topics to be considered for R&D programs and European Codes & Standards improvements.

The participants, representing Industries, Utilities, Universities and Research Centres presented in this 1st EPERC Conference the last developments about:

- risk analysis and the application of the European directives;
- assessment methods for the suitability of pressure equipment (Fitness for Service, Risk Based Inspection);
- residual Life evaluation;
- creep, fatigue and corrosion for the different types of equipment and systems;
- role of diagnostics (non-destructive tests);
- natural hazards (NATECH);
- analyzing the safety during the starting operations of the Neutral Beam Test Facility (for the ITER project on nuclear fusion);
- evaluation of the standards for the management of the pressure equipment ageing in industrial facilities;
- investigation on the integrity of pressure tanks through acoustic emission test;
- Research on high-density polyethylene piping ageing, with the comparison to the ASME and ISO requirements for qualifications and quality checks of welds;
- Research for the design and optimization of metal flanges and leak tightness;
- Research to evaluate accelerated tests for the creep calculation of mechanical components.
- The Organizing Committee;
- The authors for their contributions;
- The referees for the continuous support and help they have provided;
- The EPERC Board of Directors.

The organisers of the EPERC Conference and the editors of the Proceedings were paid rich tributes for bringing together, from so many countries, so many papers, data and findings in the field of Safety and Innovation in the pressure equipment sector.


Fonte: INAIL


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