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Europe, Rome

UNI EN 54-1:2021 Sistemi di rivelazione e di segnalazione d'incendio

ID 14515 | | Visite: 8655 | News NormazionePermalink:

UNI EN 54 1 2021

UNI EN 54-1:2021 Sistemi di rivelazione e di segnalazione d'incendio / In allegato Preview

UNI EN 54-1:2021 Sistemi di rivelazione e di segnalazione d'incendio - Parte 1: Introduzione

Recepisce: EN 54-1:2021

Data entrata in vigore: 09 settembre 2021

La norma definisce i termini e le definizioni utilizzate nella serie UNI EN 54. Fornisce i principi su cui ogni norma della serie UNI EN 54 è basata e descrive le funzioni dei componenti di un sistema.La norma si applica ai sistemi di rivelazione e allarme incendio posti a protezione degli edifici.La norma non si applica ai rivelatori autonomi di fumo, trattati dalla UNI EN 14604.

Sostituisce: UNI EN 54-1:2011

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This document supersedes EN 54‑1:2011.

The main changes compared to the previous edition are listed below:
a) addition of further terms;
b) deletion of Section 5 (Compliance);
c) addition of informative Annex B with examples of distributed CIE, distributed VACIE and network of CIEs;
d) editorial changes.

EN 54, Fire detection and fire alarm systems, is currently composed of the following parts:

- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Control and indicating equipment
- Part 3: Fire alarm devices - Sounders
- Part 4: Power supply equipment
- Part 5: Heat detectors - Point heat detectors
- Part 7: Smoke detectors - Point smoke detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization
- Part 10: Flame detectors - Point detectors
- Part 11: Manual call points
- Part 12: Smoke detectors - Line detectors using an optical light beam
- Part 13: Compatibility and connectability assessment of system components
- Part 14: Guidelines for planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance(CEN/TS 54‑14)
- Part 16: Voice alarm control and indicating equipment
- Part 17: Short-circuit isolators
- Part 18: Input/output devices
- Part 20: Aspirating smoke detectors
- Part 21: Alarm transmission and fault warning routing equipment
- Part 22: Resettable line type heat detectors
- Part 23: Fire alarm devices - Visual alarm devices
- Part 24: Components of voice alarm systems - Loudspeakers
- Part 25: Components using radio links
- Part 26: Carbon monoxide detectors - Point detectors
- Part 27: Duct smoke detectors
- Part 28: Non-resettable line type heat detectors
- Part 29: Multi-sensor fire detectors - Point detectors using a combination of smoke and heat sensors
- Part 30: Multi-sensor fire detectors - Point detectors using a combination of carbon monoxide and heat sensors
- Part 31: Multi-sensor fire detectors - Point detectors using a combination of smoke, carbon monoxide and optionally heat sensors
- Part 32: Guidelines for the planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance of voice alarm systems (CEN/TS 54‑32)


Fonte: UNI


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