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ISO 13849-1:2023

ID 18957 | | Visite: 5138 | News NormazionePermalink:

ISO 13849 1 2023

ISO 13849-1:2023  / Pubblicata il 26 Aprile 2023 / Adozione UNI 31.08.2023 / Armonizzata 16.05.2024

ID 18957 | Update news 16.05.2024 / In allegato Preview

Update news 16.05.2024

Norma armonizzata Direttiva 2006/42/CE "macchine"

Con la Decisione di esecuzione (UE) 2024/1329 della Commissione, del 13 maggio 2024 (GU L 2024/1329 del 15.5.2024) è entrata in regime di armonizzazione la:

- EN ISO 13849-1:2023 Sicurezza del macchinario - parti dei sistemi di comando legate alla sicurezza - parte 1: Principi generali per la progettazione (ISO 13849-1:2023)

La norma EN ISO 13849-1:2015 Sicurezza del macchinario - Parti dei sistemi di comando legate alla sicurezza - Parte 1: Principi generali per la progettazione (ISO 13849-1:2015) è soppressa a decorrere dal 15 maggio 2027.

Update news 31.08.2023

UNI EN ISO 13849-1:2023

Dopo la pubblicazione da ISO della ISO 13849-1:2023 il 26 Aprile 2023, UNI ha adottato la norma fondamentale per la sicurezza di parti dei sistemi di comando legati alla sicurezza SRP/CS in data 31.08.2023 come UNI EN ISO 13849-1:2023.

Update news 27.04.2023

ISO 13849-1:2023
Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design

Publication date: 2023-04

This document specifies a methodology and provides related requirements, recommendations and guidance for the design and integration of safety‐related parts of control systems (SRP/CS) that perform safety functions, including the design of software.

This document applies to SRP/CS for high demand and continuous modes of operation including their subsystems, regardless of the type of technology and energy (e.g. electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and mechanical). This document does not apply to low demand mode of operation.

NOTE 1 See 3.1.44 and the IEC 61508 series for low demand mode of operation.

This document does not specify the safety functions or required performance levels (PLr) that are to be used in particular applications.

NOTE 2 This document specifies a methodology for SRP/CS design without considering if certain machinery (e.g. mobile machinery) has specific requirements. These specific requirements can be considered in a Type‑C standard.

This document does not give specific requirements for the design of products/components that are parts of SRP/CS. Specific requirements for the design of some components of SRP/CS are covered by applicable ISO and IEC standards.

This document does not provide specific measures for security aspects (e.g. physical, IT-security, cyber security).

NOTE 3 Security issues can have an effect on safety functions. See ISO/TR 22100-4 and IEC/TR 63074 for further information.


Fonte: ISO


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