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ISO 31101:2023

ID 20755 | | Visite: 946 | News NormazionePermalink:

ISO 31101:2023 / Application service safety management system (hereafter ASSMS)

ID 20775 | 13.11.2023

ISO 31101:2023
Robotics - Application services provided by service robots - Safety management systems requirements

This document specifies the requirements of safety management systems for application services provided by service robots [application service safety management system (hereafter ASSMS)] that an application service provider can use for the safety of its users and its third parties when it provides application service in unstructured human spaces with trained and untrained persons (e.g. giving directions for visitors in airport or shopping mall, carrying goods to patients in hospital, delivering food to customers in restaurant.)

This document is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
a) improve safety performance of application services provided by service robots,
b) establish, implement, maintain and improve safety management systems for application services provided by service robots,
c) assure itself of conformity with its stated application service safety policy, and
d) demonstrate conformity with this document.

The requirements of this document can be conformed to by integrating safety management systems for application services provided by service robots into, or making it compatible with, other management systems or processes within the organization.

The requirements of this document can be conformed to by multiple organizations without omission depending on what is done as an organization and safety management.

Although intended for application services provided by service robots, this document can also be applied to services using robots other than service robots.

This document is not intended to be used as a product safety standard.

NOTE There are cases where the safety management systems for application services provided by service robots established in accordance with the requirements of this document cannot apply directly when the service robots to be used, robot systems, contents of service, places of operation, users or so, differ.

When operating service robots that coexist with people, proper management of their residual safety risks is needed. To achieve this, in the same manner as with general machineries, application service providers, who intended to start application services provided by service robots, need to consider the safety in operation as well as the robot system providers need to consider the safety in design. For application service providers to safely operate service robots with residual safety risks, communication between the robot system providers and the application service provider is important. For example, the robot system providers provide appropriate information for use when application service providers operate robots based on the comprehension of this information for use communicated by the robot system providers of the service robot. The application service providers then give feedback to the robot system providers on the safety-related information obtained from actual operation.
For some service robots, the design safety requirements have already been standardized in ISO 13482. There have been application service providers that operate robots within the scope of these standards. Although these application service providers have operated their application services safely, based on a certain level of knowledge and experience, their methodology has not yet been systematized, nor have the terms been standardized. It is considered that by systemizing and documenting an optimal methodology to operate application services provided by service robots safely, the criteria to be satisfied by new application service providers would be clarified which would then promote sound development of the industry.
The purpose of this document is to provide application service providers using service robots with the safety management system requirements for application services provided by service robots as a safe operating framework.
The safety management system for the application services provided by service robots is based on the concept of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). The PDCA model provides an iterative process used by organizations to achieve continual improvement. It can be briefly described as follows:
 Plan: establish safety objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization's safety policy
 Do: implement the processes as planned.
 Check: monitor and measure processes against the safety policy, including its commitments, safety objectives and operating criteria, and report the results.
 Act: take actions to continually improve.
In this document, the following verbal forms are used:

 “shall” indicates a requirement;
 “should” indicates a recommendation;
 “may” indicates a permission;
 “can” indicates a possibility or a capability.
Information marked as “Note” is intended to assist the understanding or use of the document.


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