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Proposals of corrections to the French text of ADR

ID 18395 | | Visite: 944 | Documenti Merci PericolosePermalink:

Proposals of corrections to the French text of ADR

Proposals of corrections to the French text of ADR 

ID 18395 | 17.12.2022

Depositary notification C.N.433.2022.TREATIES-XI.B.14 - 12.12.2022



The Secretary-General of the United Nations, acting in his capacity as depositary, communicates the following:

The Secretary-General was drawn to some errors in the French text of Annex A to the ADR, as amended.

The proposed corrections are reproduced hereafter.

Unless there are objections from interested Parties, the Secretary-General proposes to effect the corrections to the French text of Annex A accordingly.

In accordance with established practice, objections should be communicated to the Secretary General within 90 days Corrections to Annex A to the ADR as amended by amendments entering into force on 1 January 2023 (depositary notifications C.N.171.2022.TREATIES-XI.B.14 of 6 July 2022 and C.N.350.2022.TREATIES-XI.B.14 of 13 October 2022)

Corrections à l’annexe A de l'ADR telle que modifiée par les amendements entrant en vigueur le 1er janvier 2023 (notifications dépositaires C.N.171.2022.TREATIES XI.B.14 du 6 juillet 2022 et C.N.350.2022.TREATIES XI.B.14 du 13 octobre 2022)

1. Chapitre 1.1,,
After/après et construits Add/Ajouter et éprouvés

2. Chapitre 1.6,
Instead of/Au lieu de 1er janvier 2027 read/lire 1er janvier 2029

3. Chapitre 1.6,
Instead of/Au lieu de 1er janvier 2027 read/lire 1er janvier 2029

4. Chapitre 1.6,
Instead of/Au lieu de 1er janvier 2027 read/lire 1er janvier 2029

1 Refer to depositary notification C.N.171.2022.TREATIES-XI.B.14 of 5 July 2022 (Proposal of Amendments by France to annexes A and B, as amended) and C.N.350.2022.TREATIES-XI.B.14 of 13 October 2022 (Entry into force).



Scarica questo file (C.N.433.2022.TREATIES-XI.B.14.pdf)C.N.433.2022.TREATIES-XI.B.14
EN95 kB149

Tags: Merci Pericolose ADR 2023

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