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Guide to good practice Directive 92/57/EEC Construction Sites

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Guide to good practice Directive 92/57/EEC Construction Sites

Directive 92/57/EEC Construction Sites

Non-binding guide to good practice for understanding and implementing Directive 92/57/EEC on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites.

This non-binding guide gives practical information for understanding and implementing Directive 92/57-EEC on the minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites. By explaining the Directive and by giving good practice suggestions and examples, it aims to assist all parties involved in construction, including clients, project supervisors, designers, coordinators, contractors and other employers, workers, suppliers and others, in the following areas:

- (chapter 1) in understanding and implementing the general principles of prevention
- (chapter 2) in understanding the safety and health requirements of the Directive including when and to what it applies, the duties and roles of stakeholders and the documentation that is required
- (chapter 3) by identifying some typical hazards and risks during construction work
- (chapter 4) in managing risks throughout the duration of construction projects, from project preparation, during construction, and into the post-construction stage;
- (chapter 5) by summarising the duties of stakeholders by stages.

European Commission
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Unit F4
Manuscript completed in December 2010

Scarica questo file (Guide to good practice Directive 92-57-EEC Construction Sites.pdf)Guide to good practice Directive 92-57-EEC Construction Sites
Directive 92/57/EEC
EN4263 kB1255

Tags: Sicurezza lavoro

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