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UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Rev.8 (2023)

ID 21160 | | Visite: 1423 | Manuale ONU Prove e Criteri DGPermalink:

Manual of tests and criteria 8th revised edition

UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Rev.8 (2023)

ID 21160 | 16.01.2024

Published: January 2024 (PDF available 16.01.2024)

At its tenth session (11 December 2020), the Committee adopted a set of amendments to the seventh revised edition of the Manual, which were circulated as document ST/SG/AC.10/48/Add.2 and published as ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7/Amend.1. At its eleventh session (9 December 2022), the Committee adopted a new set of amendments to the seventh revised edition of the Manual, which were circulated as document ST/SG/AC.10/50/Add.2.

This eighth revised edition takes account of these two sets of amendments.

The new amendments adopted in 2022 include:

- The addition of organic peroxides and polymerizing substances to the list of substances which should not be tested in the self-heating test, to avoid false positives;
- A recommendation to use close-cup tests over open-cup tests for determining flash points;
- New provisions for the testing of sodium-ion batteries;
- Amendments to the classification of desensitized explosives according to the Globally Harmonized System;
- Other clarifications and corrections.


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