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Eurocodes: Background & Applications. Design of Steel Buildings. Worked examples

ID 2226 | | Visite: 8316 | EurocodiciPermalink:

JRC Scientific and Policy Report: Eurocodes: Background & Applications.

Design of Steel Buildings. Worked examples

The present JRC report contains state-of-the-art training material on the structural design of steel buildings, with emphasis on worked examples.

The technical papers here presented focus on specific parts of the structural design, namely basis of design, modelling of structure, design of members, connections, cold-formed steel, seismic and fire design and on sustainability aspects.

The report intends to contribute towards the transfer of background knowledge and expertise on the Eurocodes, mainly the EN 1993, from specialists of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) and of CEN/TC250/Sub Committee 3, to trainers at a national level and to Eurocodes users.

The report includes a comprehensive description of Eurocodes rules and worked examples presented by the aforementioned specialists at the workshop “Design of steel buildings with the Eurocodes, with worked examples’’ that was held on 16-17 October 2014, in Brussels, Belgium.

European Commission 2016

Tags: Costruzioni Abbonati Costruzioni Eurocodici

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