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Europe, Rome

Incentive to bypass protective devices

ID 1476 | | Visite: 7454 | Documenti Marcatura CE ENTIPermalink:

Incentive to bypass protective devices

Assessment matrix


Approximately 37% of all protective devices on metalworking machines are bypassed by defeating.

This substantially increases the potential hazard and the likelihood and severity of accidents, and has already resulted in fatal accidents. Reliable statistics, data and facts on the subject of "bypassing of protective devices on machinery" appeared for the first time in 2006 in the HVBG Report of the same name.

The bypassing of protective devices can be avoided completely only if machines are designed such that tampering presents no advantages, i.e. no incentive exists. Whether this (ideal) situation has been reached on a machine or not is an issue of crucial importance to the designers, purchasers and operators of machines.

The IFA presents an assessment matrix by means of which the incentive to bypass protective devices on machines can be evaluated.

For practical use, an Excel table is available by means of which the benefits gained from the bypassing of a protective device can be identified. The section of the assessment matrix entitled "Corrective measures" contains recommendations for measures which can be identified, from the results obtained, for the phases of a machine's design, purchase and operation.


The software was developed with care in accordance with the state of the art.

It is made available to the user free of charge. Users may use it at their own risk.


To the extent permissible by law, all legal liability is excluded. In particular, no liability will be accepted for material defects or defects of title, whether in the software itself or in the associated information, and in particular with regard to its accuracy, freedom from errors, freedom from violation of the intellectual property rights and copyright of third parties, obsolescence, completeness and/or suitability for use, except where premeditation or fraudulent intent exists.

The IFA endeavours to keep its Internet service free of viruses. No guarantee can however be given that the software and information provided are virus-free.

Users are therefore advised to take appropriate precautions of their own and to use a virus scanner before downloading software, documentation or information.

Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung
Division 5
Ralf Apfeld
Alte Heerstr. 111
53757 Sankt Augustin

Descrizione Livello Dimensione Downloads
Allegato riservato Incentive to bypass protective
Assessment matrix
141 kB 46

Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Rischio attrezzature lavoro

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