EN ISO 14118:2018

ID 6161 | | Visite: 8628 | Documenti Riservati NormazionePermalink: https://www.certifico.com/id/6161

EN ISO  14118 2018

Prevenzione dell'avviamento inatteso macchine: la  nuova norma UNI EN ISO 14118:2018

ID 6161 | Update news 13.09.2023

UNI EN ISO 14118:2018: la nuova norma che sostituisce la EN 1037:2008 

ISO news 2023

Questo standard è stato rivisto e confermato l'ultima volta nel 2023. Pertanto questa versione rimane attuale.

UNI EN ISO 14118:2018

La norma specifica i requisiti per i mezzi destinati ad impedire l'avviamento inatteso di una macchina in modo tale che gli interventi umani nelle zone pericolose possano aver luogo in sicurezza.

Data entrata in vigore : 17 maggio 2018

EN ISO 14118:2018
ISO 14118:2017
UNI EN 1037:2008



In allegato Preview ISO 14118:2017 riservato Abbonati

EN ISO 14118:2018

Safety of machinery - Prevention of unexpected start-up (ISO 14118:2017)

ISO 14118:2017 specifies requirements for designed-in means aimed at preventing unexpected machine start-up (see 3.2) to allow safe human interventions in danger zones (see Annex A).

ISO 14118:2017 applies to unexpected start-up from all types of energy source, i.e.:

- power supply, e.g. electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic;
- stored energy due to, e.g. gravity, compressed springs;
- external influences, e.g. from wind.

ISO 14118:2017 does not specify performance levels or safety integrity levels for safety-related parts of control systems. While available means to prevent unexpected start-up are identified, this document does not specify the means for the prevention of unexpected machine start-up for specific machines.

NOTE A type-C standard can define the required means for the prevention of harm arising from unexpected start-up. Otherwise, the requirements for a specific machine need to be determined by risk assessment outside the scope of this document.

Fonte: UNI

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