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EN 1088 sarà sostituita da EN ISO 14119: Documento Euchner

ID 959 | | Visite: 8874 | Documenti Marcatura CE AziendePermalink: https://www.certifico.com/id/959

EN 1088 sarà sostituita da EN ISO 14119: Documento Euchner

EN 1088 sarà sostituita da EN ISO 14119 (ISO 14119:2013): da EUCHNER un interessante articolo sulla nuova norma EN ISO 14119 e le interazioni con EN ISO 13849-1 Assessment of the safety system on a door with guard locking - the new EN ISO 14119

ISO 14119:2013
Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards - Principles for design and selection

ISO 14119:2013 specifies principles for the design and selection independent of the nature of the energy source of interlocking devices associated with guards. 

It covers the parts of guards which actuate interlocking devices. It does not necessarily provide all the specific requirements for trapped key systems.

ISO 14119:2013 provides measures to minimize defeat of interlocking devices in a reasonably foreseeable manner.

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